Europacity finances different types of loans in the field of infrastructure, land or air transport

Location: (Dusseldörf)

Europacity finances different types of loans such as commercial real estate or in the field of infrastructure, finance your investment projects Motorsport service provider, is looking for mezzanine capital for a real estate project, commercial real estate development, major urban development projects, aeronautical services, agricultural projects, oil import, telecommunications, financing of photovoltaic projects or installation of solar panels or energy, land or air transport, construction of dams or bridges and all kinds of projects. Are you a businessman or a woman? Do you need funds to start your own business or finance your project? We offer secured loan services ranging from €5,000.00 to a maximum amount of €900 million in any part of the world for (individuals, companies, real estate agents and legal entities) at our superb interest rate of 2%. For applications, please contact by email: [email protected] or [email protected]

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