Fully Customized Contact Center Dialer Solutions - KingAsterisk.

Location: (Germany)

A high-performance contact center dialer is the key for improving customer engagement optimizing call operations and driving sales. At KingAsterisk Technology we are providing a fully customized contact center dialer that specific needs to your business

What We Offer:
Fully Customized Contact Center Dialer – Designed as per the business requirements.
Custom Dialer Themes – Intuitive and visually optimized themes to a better user experience.
Dedicated Server Solutions – We are offering a custom call center dialer software solutions on dedicated server.

Watch live demo at : https://demo.kingasterisk.com/call-center-dialer.php

Who Can Benefit?
Call Centers & BPOs
Telemarketing & Sales Teams 
Customer Support & Helpdesks 

We are not dealing in VoIP routes, DID, servers, or any hardware. We do not provide any rent base dialer

Our dialer has no restrictions on the number of Agents. It also relies on your hardware. If you have up to 100 agents, we may provide cluster solutions for you.

Contact us now,
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91 968 773 3355
WhatsApp: +1 (786) 414 2610
Skype: king.asterisk
Website: https://kingasterisk.com

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